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Elements of Art

Black Rhino-01.png
Artboard (2)-02.png
Artboard (2)-03.png

My animal is a Black Rhino and they are very endangered because of the poaching of them for their horns to be sold on the black market. I chose this animals because I like rhinos and they are very cool animals and its also very sad about what is happening to them. They live on big plains that are dry and have lots of grass and they also live in savannas, a good example of this is in Africa.

line: a mark made on a surface that can be vertical horizontal, curvy, etc: Using the pen tool and tracing the outlines of my animals which is the horns, and wrinkles, and mouth. 

shape: an enclosed space that is 2 dimensional like squares or circles: Using geometric shapes for the wrinkles in my animals to make them sharp. 

color: you need light to be able to see color and color is when light shines on an object: I changed the colors of all the pieces that I traced to make the rhino look full and accurate to the real thing. I used warm, cool, and my own color for the different colorways that you see. Like the orange, blue, and pink.

values: lightness or darkness of a color : I used values by creating shadows and using different colors on the horns to make them look like the sun is shining on them. 

form: something that is or look 3 dimensional: I made the different pieces of the rhino different shades of the same color to create the 3D effects to make it seem like there is depth in the animal. 

texture: visual or real texture can show how something feels or it can make something look smooth or rough: I added texture to make the rough skin and pattern on the skin of the rhino. 

space: positive and negative space mostly whites and blacks and it can also be the emptiness of something : I didn't use space that much but I used black to create the effect of the mouth, nose, and winkles all over the face of the rhino.

I wanted to make the animal as detailed as possible and I wanted to create the shades in the animals to make it look better 
I want my audience to notice the different shades and textures that I used to make the rhino look more realistic as well as the use of form to make the horns look shiny in the sun.
I would probably add more details or do more of the whole body of the rhino to see the full image
Nothing really the assignment was good. I just could've done a lot better

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