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EAGLE (6).png

A shape is a enclosed area that has a space in the middle. Geometric shapes are decorated by regular lines while organic shapes use irregular lines. I used triangles and different sized polynomials. I used a gradient to make the feathers look layered so it doesn't look like 1 solid color.

MEW finished.png

I used organic shapes because the shape of my character is kind of round.
I traced around all of the lines and made the fill the same shade of pink using the dropper tool.
I want my audience to notice the different layers of the eyes and the nice shade of pink used for the body. I am proud of how well my lines turned out and how perfect they are.

Spiderman (2).png

1. I mashed up Spiderman 2099 and Venom because they are the same kind of characters but different universes
2. I combined Venom's colors with Spiderman 2099's suit
3. I used organic and geometric shapes
4. I used the pen tool, the direct selection tool, and the eye drop
5. I want to people to notice that spiderman 2099 is my favorite character and adding venom with it makes him cooler


1. I used all organic shapes
2. I just traced different parts of my body on different layers and I learned that its really hard to make details on existing layers
3. I want my audience to notice the details on the jersey and shorts and the different shades of pink on my shoes
4. I could improve on adding more small details to make the jersey look better

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