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Texture (1).png

Texture is a feeling that something like an objecthas 

I focused on the different textures that are found in the forest like warm, spiky, and rough

I made clipping masks of the textures as words and it shows each of the textures and different objects in the forest

I want my audience to know the different textures in the words and how they match perfectly

Sound Suit.png
  1. A sound suit is a suit that describes different texture and can describe different things like homelessness

  2. My sound suit represents homelessness and the different textures and I chose it because it is a very big problem not only in California but around the world

  3. A lot of the textures are textures that you would find around homeless people like rough floors, wet masks, dirty socks, etc.

  4. I used adobe illustrator and created clipping masks of the different textures that I used with their objects

  5. I like my audience to look at the different textures and how many of them they really see in our homeless communities.

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